Wednesday, May 16, 2007

At The Beach

As promised, Missy brought us to the beach today! Boy did we have fun! Here are some video clips and photos to show:

Jie jie the beach babe!
(Missy's Extra: I really love this picture of Daisy! She's so beautiful!)

Jie jie really loves the water! She couldn't wait to jump in!

Can you tell how happy we were?

I did have a slight misadventure though. I forgot I wasn't half as good a swimmer as jie jie and before Missy could put on my life vest, I had jumped into the waters after jie jie to retrieve our frisbee. I got to the frisbee all right and paddled hard to get back to shore but I couldn't move an inch! This was me struggling in the waters:

Luckily, it didn't take long for Missy to realise after taking this shot that I was in trouble. She didn't even wait to set down her camera somewhere dry and rushed quickly, camera above her head in one hand, still fully-clothed and scooped me up with her free arm. Good thing the water was only chest high.

I didn't let the episode get to me though for I knew Missy would never let any harm come to me. She did promptly clasp on my life jacket after the rescue and then back into the waters I went!

I may not be as good a swimmer as jie jie (Missy thinks I look clumsy when I swim!), but I'm definitely the better retriever!

Another successful retrieval mission! Did you catch jie jie taking a dive for the frisbee?

Here's jie jie looking very funny trying to dig up the frisbee stuck in the sand!

Still not the most confident of swimmers, I whimper as I swim!

Was jie jie rolling her eyes at me?

We sneaked a final shot before going off, on the Wall's Ice-Cream buggy! Of course, the ice-cream man wasn't around and no, we didn't get any ice-cream.

What great fun we had today! Missy's all tired out from bathing, blow-drying and brushing us. And there's all that sand we brought with us into the car too!

Missy's Extra: Wonder if I might strike a deal with the govie for all that sand?

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