Sunday, January 28, 2007

I'm Two, Cool and I Have A New Trick Up My Sleeve!

Watch me dance like a ballerina!

Notice how I have to earn my treats while jie jie gets hers by just sitting pretty? I think Missy's going to put me in a tutu next!

Saturday, January 27, 2007

I'm Two and Cool!

Me in Missy's new oversized shades.
Now, if only there was some sun outdoors....

Thursday, January 04, 2007

I'm Two!

I turned two today! Happy birthday to me! Birthdays are usually celebrated by dinner parties in our family and mine was no exception. Here are the yummies for the day!

Spaghetti Olio e Aglio with Bacon for the folks.

Irish Fish Pie for jie jie and me, which the folks also shared.

Jie jie and me polishing off our fish pie. That didn't take very long!

Behold! My lovely birthday cake!

Me and my Cherry Swirl-Buttermilk Bundt birthday cake!

Yummy! Missy was real proud of it!

Now, what's a birthday without some glamour shots? Jie jie and I were all dressed up!

Us and Missy!

After all the food, fun and excitement, boy was I knocked out!

Thanks to everyone who sent gifts and birthday wishes. I love you all!